
Opera9.5nolongersupportsWindowsSockets1.0onWindows95.Opera9.5requiresWindowsSockets2.0,whichisavailableasafreedownloadforWindows95 ...,2023年3月16日—Thankyou,Opera,forthisOpera95.0.4635.84updatereleasedon27AprilwhichkepttheOperabrowseronmyWindows7SP1systemalive!!,2023年2月1日—We'rehappytoannounceourlatestproductchange–Opera95hasnowbeenreleasedontheStablebranchforWindows,macOS,andLinux!Checkit ...

Download Opera 9.50 for Windows

Opera 9.5 no longer supports Windows Sockets 1.0 on Windows 95. Opera 9.5 requires Windows Sockets 2.0, which is available as a free download for Windows 95 ...

Opera 95.0.4635.80 Windows 7 & 8 update

2023年3月16日 — Thank you, Opera, for this Opera 95.0.4635.84 update released on 27 April which kept the Opera browser on my Windows 7 SP1 system alive !!

Opera 95 Stable

2023年2月1日 — We're happy to announce our latest product change – Opera 95 has now been released on the Stable branch for Windows, macOS, and Linux! Check it ...



Index of puboperadesktop95.0.4635.90win

Index of /pub/opera/desktop/95.0.4635.90/win/ ../ patch/ 30-Oct-2023 14:08 - Opera_95.0.4635.90_Autoupdate.exe 30-Oct-2023 14:07 86010088 ...

Opera 10.70 for Windows 95NT 4.0

2018年1月19日 — Opera decided to drop support for Windows 95 back in version 10.10, but with help from Andrew T., Opera 10.63 is now usable on Windows 95!

Opera for Win 95 on a 486 or Pentium

2021年2月10日 — Opera 9.25 works on a 486. Don't know about the others. again another retro game on itch: https://90soft90.itch ...

Opera (瀏覽器)

Opera是由Opera軟體基於Chromium架構所開發的網頁瀏覽器,採全新模組化設計,內建廣告阻擋器與VPN,特色功能包括工作區切換、分頁島、快速撥號,整合式側邊欄中的音樂 ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
